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Chap3 Outline
Objectives Historical
Perspective: Important Scientists
3.1 How are elements
organized? 3.2
What is the basic structure of the atom?
Perspective: Important Scientists
John Dalton Biography
John Dalton Notes J.J. Thompson Biography
J.J. Thompson Notes
Earnest Rutherford Biography
Earnest Rutherford Notes Neils Bohr Biography
Neils Bohr Notes
Chapter 3 Notes - Atomic Structure
3-1. How are elements organized?
Section Objectives:
1. Describe the organization of the modern periodic table.
2. Use the periodic table to obtain information about the properties of
3. Explain how the names and symbols of elements are derived.
4. Identify common metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and noble gases.
A. Demtri Mendeleev created the Periodic Table in 1871 Transparency
4-1: Properties of Some Elements Predicted by Mendeleev.
1. Developed according to the chemical and physical properties of
2. Transparency 3-2: Regions of the Periodic Table Horizontal
groups are called periods. Periods are numbered 1-7
a. The periods are called that because the properties change
periodically with the periods.
3. Vertical groups are called families or groups. Groups are numbered
a. The families are called so because they all have similar chemical
and intensive properties.
4. The rare earth elements actually come out of the periodic table in a 3rd
5. Thread:
Remember that elements always have the first letter capitalized, and every
other letter is small case.
B. Regions of the periodic table.
1. 4 General Regions
a. Metals: any of a class of elements that generally are solid at
room temperature, has a grayish color and shiny surface, and conduct
1) Properties of Metals
Metals are generally good conductors of heat and electricity.
Metals are generally lustrous, ductile, and malleable.
b. Nonmetals: any chemical element that is neither a metal,
metalloid, nor a noble gas.
2) Properties of Nonmetals
Nonmetals are generally poor conductors of heat and
electricity, are gases or are brittle solids at room temperature.
c. Metalloids: an element having properties of metals as well as
1) Properties of Metalloids
Have some of the properties of both metals and nonmetals.
2) B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te are metalloids.
d. Noble Gasses: an element that exists in the gaseous state at
normal temperatures and is nonreactive with other elements.
1) Properties of Noble Gases
Noble gases are extremely unreactive or inert. Very rarely do
they form compounds.
2) Quiz 3.1 Regions of the Periodic Table
3) Transparency 3-3: Essential Elements (Not Good)
C. Basic Components of an Atom
Location |
Mass |
Electric Charge |
Space |
98% of Atom |
None |
None |
Protons |
In Nucleus |
1 a.m.u. |
Positive (+) |
Neutrons |
In Nucleus |
1 a.m.u. |
Neutral |
Electrons |
Around Nucleus |
1/1750 a.m.u. |
Negative (-) |
Atomic Number: Elements are identified by the number of
protons they have. Every element that has 6 protons is a Carbon
atom. The number of protons is the atomic number.
Atomic Mass Unit (a.m.u.): The atomic mass unit is defined
as being 1/12 the mass of a 12C atom.
Isotopes: Atoms with the same number of protons but different
numbers of neutrons. All carbon atoms have 6 protons. Some carbons
have 4 neutrons while others have 6, 8, or 10 neutrons. These are
isotopes. Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but
different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes are identified by their mass
number in a superscript (Ex. 10C, 12C, 14C,
or 16C). Sometimes the atomic number is given in a
subscript (Ex. 6C, 92U, 46Pd, and 55Cs).
This is different than an allotrope.
Hydrogen Isotopes: protium 1H, deuterium 2H,
tritium 3H
Mass Number: The sum of the protons and neutrons.
D. Calculating the Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons of an Atom
1. The number of Protons is equal to the atomic number (use the
periodic table).
2. The number of Neutrons can be calculated by subtracting the number
of protons from the mass number. (If the mass number is not given for an
element simply round up the atomic mass).
3. Uncombined elements are electrically neutral in nature. Therefore,
the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons.
12 C P = atomic number = 6
N = Mass Number - Atomic Number = 12 - 6 = 6
e- = Electrically neutral, ˆ number
of electrons = number of protons
235 U P = atomic number = 92
N = Mass Number - Atomic Number = 235 - 92 = 143
e- = Electrically neutral, ˆ number
of electrons = number of protons
Atomic Component Quiz
3-2 What is the basic structure of an atom?
Section Objectives:
1. Infer the existence of atoms from the laws of definite
composition, conservation of mass, and multiple proportions.
2. List the five basic principles of Dalton’s atomic theory.
3. Describe models of the atom.
4. Compare and contrast the properties of electrons, protons, and
5. Explain the particle-wave nature of electrons.
6. Describe the quantum model of the atom.
A. Creating Atomic Models By Inference: Relate to the
Scientific Method: Uncertainty Principle also Inference.
1. Straw men: Develop a model and then try to destroy it.
2. Wind: Can’t be seen, but its force can be felt. The evidence of the
wind is indisputable. This is inference.
3. Study the patterns of nature.
4. Develop models that fit the information.
5. Test the models.
B. Known Laws of Nature.
1. Law of definite composition: a compound contains the same
elements in exactly the same proportions by mass regardless of the size
of the sample or source of the compound. Transparency:
The Law of Definite Composition
Example: Table sugar (sucrose) is composed of 42.1% carbon, 51.3%
oxygen, and 6.5% hydrogen. The proportions are always the same.
2. Law of conservation of mass: In a chemical reaction, the
mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products (mass is
neither created nor destroyed). Transparency 3-10:
Law of conservation of mass
3. Law of multiple proportions: the mass ratio for one of the
elements that combines with a fixed mass of the other element can be
expressed in small whole numbers. Transparency
3.11 Law of multiple proportions.
4. Taken together these three laws represent much of the quantitative
data obtained by chemists in the 1700’s.
C. English chemist, John Dalton, argued that the three experimental
laws could not be explained without assuming that all compounds are made from
tiny particles such as atoms. This reasoning led to the development of the
atomic theory, published in the early 1800’s.
While some exceptions to Dalton’s atomic theory were eventually discovered,
the theory itself has never been discarded, only modified and expanded as the
world of the atom was explored.
A. Testing the theory.
1. Scientists developed a tool called a cathode ray tube. Basically
they shot electrons across a gas at low pressure. What they observed was
a light. Transparency
Cathode: negative electrode (-)
b. Anode: positive electrode (+)
c. Cathode Ray: light between the Cathode and Anode. This ray
always originated at the cathode and traveled to the anode.
2. Cathode rays are what "paint" the pictures on
As scientists studied the cathode ray tube they discovered that the
atom is not indivisible after all. Instead it consists of smaller
B. In 1897, the English physicist J. J. Thomson discovered that
electrically charged plates and magnets deflected the straight paths of
cathode rays. The direction of deflection shows that the particles making up
cathode rays must be negatively charged. Transparency
C. The English physicists, G Johnstone Stoney named the small, negatively
charged particles discovered in the cathode ray tube experiments electrons.
1. Later experiments determined the mass and charge of an electron.
The electron was discovered to have a mass of nearly 2000 times
smaller than that of hydrogen.
D. Atoms were known to be electrically neutral. This meant that an atom
must contain some positively charged matter to balance the negative charges
of its electrons.
J. J. Thomson developed a model of the atom that was based upon all
of this information. It was called the plum pudding model. Thomson
envisioned the atom as a ball of positive charge with negatively charged
electrons embedded inside.
F. A student of J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, assembled a
research team to perform an experiment that ultimately disproved the plum
pudding model of the atom.
1. The name of the experiment is the Gold Foil Experiment. Transparency
3-16: Gold Foil Experiment Rutherford’s team directed a beam of
tiny positively charged particles, called alpha particles, at a very
thin gold foil sheet. The gold sheet was hammered extremely thin so that
it would have relatively few atoms in thickness. The idea was to test if
the atom was solid or not.
2. The team found that most of the alpha rays went directly through
the gold foil. A few rays were deflected from their straight-line paths.
But what really surprise the research team was that some of the alpha
particles were deflected straight back!
3. Rutherford reasoned that the deflections resulted from electrical
repulsion between the positive alpha particle and the positive charged
matter contained in the atom.
4. This disproved the plum pudding model. If the positive charge were
spread out within the atom, as in the plum pudding model, the backward
scattering of alpha particles would not have been possible.
5. Because most of the alpha particles went through the gold foil
Rutherford reasoned that atoms are composed mostly of space, with a
small, dense, positively charged core. Figure 3-17
pg 86
6. This tiny center was named the nucleus, from the
Latin word meaning "little nut".
a. Most of the mass is in the nucleus.
1) Protons (1 amu) are in the nucleus.
2) Neutrons (1 amu) are in the nucleus.
b. The nucleus is tiny compared to the volume of the atom. If
the nucleus were the size of a marble, then the whole atom would be
the size of a football stadium. Figure 3-18
G. Rutherford developed the Planetary Model of the
atom. He supposed that electrons traveled in the space surrounding the
nucleus in a way similar to the motion of the planets around the sun.
1. A maximum number of 7 Primary Shells.
2. The difference between these Primary Shells is the distance from the
nucleus. The farther from the nucleus the electron is the more energy the
electron has. Transparency: Rutherford's Planetary
H. In 1913, a young Danish physicist named Niels Bohr proposed that
electrons could reside only in certain energy levels. Bohr transformed the
way we think about electrons and modified the planetary model. The
Quantum Theory Handout
1. An analogy that is often used is the ladder. Just like you cannot
climb up the ladder in between the rungs, so electrons cannot exist
between energy levels. On the side of pg 87
2. Bohr reasoned this from studying the bright-line emission spectrum
of the elements, particularly hydrogen.
3. Running high voltage current through a gaseous form of the element
creates the bright-line emission spectrum of elements.
I. More About Electrons: The Physics of Energy. In order to understand
Bohr's thoughts
1. Bohr studied the bright line spectrum of elements.
a. He noticed that element has every a unique bright line
b. He decided to focus on Hydrogen.
2. Before we go into his study of hydrogen, it is important to
understand some simple light and wave physics.
a. Waves: When we describe a wave we usually describe the
following features of a wave. These are generally true of all waves,
but particularly true of light.
1) Wavelength (λ):
The distance between two identical portions of a wave.
2) Frequency (f): The number of times a wave passes a
particular spot in a set period of time. The unit for this is
hertz (Hz = 1/s)
3) Axis: The midline of a wave.
4) Peak: The top of the wave.
5) Trough: The bottom of the wave
6) Amplitude: The measurement from axis of a wave to either
the peak or the trough.
b. Relationships between these features:
Frequency and Wavelength were found to be inversely
proportional. \ f »
2) The constant for this equation turned out to be the
velocity (v) of the wave therefore: f = v/l
and when looking at light it is: f = c/l
where c = 3.00E8 m/s (speed of light).
3) Energy was found to be directly proportional to frequency:
\ E » f.
4) Since they are proportional they can be made equal by
multiplying by a constant. A man named Plank discovered the
value of this constant so it is called Plank's Constant (h). E =
5) Since most of the time we compare energy and wavelength,
by substituting in wavelength for frequency we get: E=hc/l
c. Bright Line Spectrum:
1) Language:
Excited State: Electron has absorbed energy and gone to a
higher energy level.
b) Ground State: Electron is in its normal state of
c) Quantum: A specific amount of energy.
d) In nature things tend to go to the lowest energy level
e) This means that the electrons would stay at the higher
energy level for a moment and then go back to the lower
energy level.
f) We usually describe this in terms of stability: Low
energy = high stability, high energy = low stability.
2) The electron in ground state would absorb energy and go to
an excited state where it would be unstable. When the electron
returns to ground state it gives up the exact amount of energy
it absorbed when becoming excited. This energy is given off in
the form of a bright line of light.
a) Electron absorbs energy.
b) Electron goes to higher energy level.
c) Electron is unstable and goes to a lower energy level.
d) Electron gives off the exact amount of energy absorbed
when it goes to a lower energy level.
e) Since there are specific wavelengths of light,
electrons must only be able to absorb specific amounts
(quantum) of energy!
J. Protons discovered
1. The positively charged nuclear particles that repelled the alpha
particles in Rutherford's experiment were found to be very heavy. 2000X
the mass of an electron.
2. Scientists called these protons. The mass of a proton presented a
dilemma because the masses of all atoms besides hydrogen were known to
be larger than the total mass of their protons and electrons. Clearly
there must be a third particle.
K. Neutrons discovered
1. This discovery was a little more difficult and took over 30 years.
2. A British scientist, James Chadwick, found a penetrating beam that
was made of particles that had approximately the mass of protons. Also,
the beam was not deflected by electric or magnetic fields. Chadwick
deduced that the beam was composed of neutrons—neutral particles that
have mass equal to that of protons.
3-2. How do the
structures of atoms differ?
A. Electron Configuration PowerPoint
Electron Energy Level |
Primary Difference |
Range |
1st Introduced |
Primary Shell |
Distance from the nucleus |
1 - 7 |
Rutherford |
Subshell |
Shape |
s, p, d, f |
Bohr |
Orbital |
Orientation in Space |
Up to 7 in one subshell |
Bohr |
Spin |
Direction (clockwise or counter clockwise |
+ ½ or – ½ |
Several Scientists |
1. Each orbital can hold up to two electrons.
Chap 3.4 WS
2. Electron Configuration: The location of the first two energy
levels for all electrons of an element.
3. Symbols of Electron Configuration:
B. Planetary Diagram
Chap 3.4 WS
C. Orbital Diagram
D. Quantum Numbers
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